How do I get My Child off the Couch?

05/08/2015 16:04

Here’s a million dollar question that every parent seems to be asking these days: how do I get my child off the couch? With the escalating rate of obesity in the United States (more than 21 % corpulence rate among high school going children), American parents are becoming extremely anxious about their children’s health. According to a recent survey report, more than 4 in 10 children suffering from corpulence also get affected by cardiovascular disease, which can become a fatal condition if left untreated. This article will highlight how you can encourage more physical activity in your kid without beating your head against the wall.

Provide Fun Opportunities for Active Play

The school playground equipment and various other play structures in our playgrounds and local parks are not exactly a child’s idea of a fun activity. You have to understand that children need diversity in their play setting and conventional playgrounds are not built to provide that. So here’s what you can do, provide your kids with opportunities to have a fun-packed active play. Now, how are you going to that? It’s simple, find something that your child actually enjoy outdoors. There are hundreds of outdoor recreation ideas that you can use to keep your child engaged.

First of all understand what your child wants; what are his interests and what he’d like to see on a playground. A simple communication can allow you to comprehend your child’s need and help him find the opportunities that resound well with his play requirements.

Provide Incentives for Physical Activity

This may not be the best idea in the world, but it can definitely help you get your kid off the couch. We all love incentives and children are not any different. Offer your kids some incentive to participate in physical activities. For example, you can tell your kid that he can have one extra hour for the video games if he goes out and play with the outdoor playground equipment, or takes the dog out, or engages any outdoor physical activity.

Here is a list if incentives that you can offer your child:

  • Bake him his favourite cookies after he returns from the playground.
  • Allow him to have a play date with a friend.
  • Let him pick his favourite dinner.
  • Let him watch an extra hour of TV.
  • Get his his favourite toy.

Now here’s another troubling question: what if my child refuses to get the incentives? That is a possibility. However, do not worry, just yet because there are still a dozen things you can do. Scroll back up and see the rule number one: Get to know your kid. Once you understand what he likes and dislikes, it would be easy for you to find incentives accordingly. It is impossible that a kid will say no to something he exceedingly adores. Therefore, know your child and work to eliminate the sedentariness out of his life.

Do you have your own method of getting kids off the couch? If so, please share in our comment section below.